Team Spieth: Swing sequence

The 22-year-old isn’t technically perfect but he’s matched up his idiosyncrasies to build a highly effective action.

Spieth Spieth

1. His hard work in the gym is evident in his physique and athletic posture, especially the angle of his lower back.

2. It’s a good one-piece takeaway but the clubface is slightly closed as the shaft reaches parallel.

Spieth Spieth

3. The shaft is on plane and you can see the deep interlocking grip that contributes to the closed face.

4. The club used to be more across the line when he hit a stronger draw shape but he’s on plane here.

Spieth Spieth

5. He’s cleared quite a long way with his lower body at this point to hold the clubface square into impact.

6. Matching his body’s movement to his slightly strong face has enabled him to get the club square at impact.

Spieth Spieth

7. The left arm bending here is an example of an unusual movement that helps him square the club.

8. He’s fantastically balanced and all his weight has transferred to the outside of his left foot.


NEXT: Jordan Spieth: Building a brand >


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